Tax Tips
Click on any of the items below to learn more.
A) How to authorize a representative on CRA My Account+
On a Computer
The CRA requires taxpayers to authorize Whistler Tax Solutions as a representative prior to filing your tax return. We will not be able to file your taxes or access your tax slips and other information without you doing so. To authorize Whistler Tax Solutions, follow these simple steps:
Log onto your CRA my account here:
Select Profile from the overview section, found on the left hand side of the page
Scroll down until you see "Authorized representative(s)" on the right hand side of the page
Select add to add a new representative. Follow the steps and search for Whistler Tax Solutions by entering our business number: 807 867 940
Select Level 2 and yes to online access.
Select confirm. You should see the words "Success. You have successfully authorized a new representative: Whistler Tax solutions"
B) How to authorize a representative on CRA My Business Account (GST returns) +
The CRA requires taxpayers to authorize Whistler Tax Solutions as a representative prior to filing your GST return. We will not be able to file your GST or access any other information without you doing so. To authorize Whistler Tax Solutions, follow these simple steps:
Log onto your CRA my business account here:
Select Profile from the top right of the page- on the blue bar (next to sign out)
Scroll down until you see "Authorized representative(s)" on the right hand side of the page
Select manage authorized representatives, then authorize a representative. Follow the steps and search for Whistler Tax Solutions by entering our business number: 807 867 940
Select Level 2 and tick all accounts
Select confirm. You should see the words " You have successfully authorized this representative to deal with the CRA for this business”
C) Deducting Medical Expenses +
Medical expenses can be claimed for any 12 month period ENDING in the current tax year (and not claimed in the prior tax year). Generally, all eligible medial expenses can be claimed, even if they were incurred outside of Canada. When medical expenses are reimbursed by an insurance plan, only the portion not reimbursed can be claimed.
Only expenses in excess of the lessor of $2397(for 2020) of 3% of net income can be claimed. The lowest tax rate is applied to the medical expenses to determine the amount of the tax credit.
D) First time home buyers tax credit: +
You can claim an amount of $5000 for the purchase of a qualifying home purchase made in 2011 or later, if both of the following apply:
You or your spouse or common-law partner aquired a qualifying home.
You did not live in another home owned by you or your spouse or common-law partner in the year of acquisiton or in any of the four preceding years.
Documentation needed:
- Copy of the purchase agreement
- Copy of lawyers statement of adjustments
- Please forward these documents to Whistler Tax Solutions
E) Tool Allowance for Tradespeople +
If you were an employed tradesperson in 2012 or later (including an eligible apprentice mechanic), you may be able to deduct up to $500 of the cost of eligible tools bought to earn your employment income.
Learn more:
F) Instalments+
If your net tax owing on your tax return is over $3000 you will be required to pay instalments the following tax year.
Tax instalments are payments you make throughout the year to cover the taxes you normally pay in one lump sum on April 30 of the following year. IF you dont pay your instalments, and you owe tax when your taxes are filed, you will be charged interest from when the instalment was due.
If you don't pay enough instalments to cover your current taxes (and pay them by the dates required by the CRA), you will be penalized. My tip is to always over pay a little, and then there will be no penalties.
See the below CRA links for more information
G) Cant make the filing deadline? Here's what to do to avoid late filing penalties and interest +
If you are unable to get your taxes completed and filed by the deadline, then estimate what you think you owe and pay the CRA your estimated amount, plus a little more.
The late filing penalty is only calculated on the taxes you owe and not if you are receiving a refund. So, in summary try to OVERpay your estimated taxes in advance of the payment deadline 30 April, and then you will never pay interest or late filing penalties.
H) B.C Renter's Tax Credit +
This tax credit has been introduced for the 2023 tax season. To be eligible to claim it you must:
- Have paid rent to live in a rental property in BC for at least 6 months in the tax year in question.
- Not be paying this rent to a direct relative.
- Have an adjusted net household income of $80,000 or less.
- Have been living in an apartment, suite, house or condo. Campsites, moorages or trailer park pads are not eligible for the credit.
If you would like to claim this credit please navigate to the worksheet section of our websiste and fill out worksheet A7
If you are living with a spouse, only one of you can claim the credit.
I) CRA request for information +
Tax deductions against income in Canada are self reported. It is common for the CRA to request supporting documents. They will send a letter to your online account and you have 30 days to respond if you do not respond in the 30 days the CRA will reassess your income tax return and disallow the deductions in question
If this happens you still have 6 years to file an adjust your reassessed tax return and send the supporting documents to the CRA