The more work you do using the forms & worksheets on this website, the more reasonable your invoice will be. Alternately, we can do the whole meal deal if you wish.
Basic tax return starts at $125.00
This includes up to 10 slips. (what type? T4’s, RRSPs, simple T5’s simple T3’s.)
The more complicated the return, the more work it is for us, and the price is reflected accordingly.
Self Employment starts at an additional $150.00
This is an additional cost to file a schedule T2125, please note the Basic Tax return cost will also still apply.
This price reflects that my client has organized the business numbers using the Whistler Tax Solutions worksheets provided on our website.
Additional fees - the following common schedules will be subject to additional fees. Contact us for a quote
Employment expenses Schedule - includes checking the T2200 will pass an audit.
Vehicle expenses
Rental schedule
Dependent information and deductions
Moving schedule
GST (5%) is applicable to all services. Cash, Debit, Visa, Mastercard and online payments accepted